
Total Articles Found: 3

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  • Potentially big Apple Watch vulnerability could let thieves use Apple Pay on stolen watches
  • Stop Windows 10 spying dead in its tracks with one free app
  • iPhone 7 catches fire while in transit

Potentially big Apple Watch vulnerability could let thieves use Apple Pay on stolen watches

Published: 2019-03-08 00:21:26

Popularity: None

Author: Zach Epstein

🤖: "Watch out!"

A potential security vulnerability recently detailed by a blogger may have uncovered a serious flaw in the Apple Watch’s design that could lead to some big headaches for some users. In a nuts…


Stop Windows 10 spying dead in its tracks with one free app

Published: 2019-03-08 00:14:56

Popularity: None

Author: Zach Epstein

🤖: "Privacy shield"

The verdict is in: people love Windows 10. Microsoft’s new operating system has been a hit with the tech press and users alike, with millions of people around the world singing the new softwa…


iPhone 7 catches fire while in transit

Published: 2019-03-07 23:33:11

Popularity: None

Author: Zach Epstein

The world’s leading smartphone makers just can’t stop copying each other. While the company has certainly improved its image over the past few years, Samsung is likely most famous for b…

